Jumat, 16 Juni 2006

Fisheries Law No. 31/2004

Fisheries Law No. 31/2004 [DOWNLOAD]


source: http://faolex.fao.org/cgi-bin/faolex.exe?rec_id=051065&database=FAOLEX&search_type=link&table=result&lang=eng&format_name=@ERALL

pdf document: http://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/ins51065.pdf



The Law is a basic fisheries legislation consisting of 111 articles divided into 17 Chapters: General provisions (I); Fish cultivation (IV); Fishery business (V); Fishery information system and statistics (VI); Levies (VII); Fishery research and development (VIII); Fishery education, training and elucidations (IX); Empowerment of small fishermen and small fish breeders (X); Delegation of duty and assistance (XI); Monitoring of fishery affairs (XII); Court of fishery affairs (XIII); Investigation, prosecution and examination in the sessions of the court of fishery affairs (XIV); Criminal provisions (XV); Transitory provisions (XVI); Closing provisions (XVII). Chapters II and III are missing from the text.
The Law stipulates provisions on utilization of fish resources, either for fish catching or fish breeding, in the Indonesian EEZ and the open seas according to the international conditions, to ensure their preservation and the protection of the environment. The Ministry shall determine provisions for the regulation of: fishing gear, allowable catch, fish breeding, prevention of pollution, protected fish, etc. (art. 7). All individuals and companies carrying out fishing business shall be licensed, except for small fishermen and small fish breeders. The Government shall establish a court of fishery affairs authorized to examine, hear and rule criminal cases in fishery affairs.

Descriptors (Fisheries): basic legislation; fishery management and conservation; marine fisheries; marine fishes; mariculture; EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone; fishing area; fish disease; fishing gear/fishing method; hygiene/sanitary procedures; fishing licence; fishing vessel; research; data collection/reporting; size; total allowable catch; court/tribunal; authorization/permit; tax/levy

Fisheries Law No. 31/2004

Fisheries Law No. 31/2004 [DOWNLOAD]


source: http://faolex.fao.org/cgi-bin/faolex.exe?rec_id=051065&database=FAOLEX&search_type=link&table=result&lang=eng&format_name=@ERALL

pdf document: http://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/ins51065.pdf



The Law is a basic fisheries legislation consisting of 111 articles divided into 17 Chapters: General provisions (I); Fish cultivation (IV); Fishery business (V); Fishery information system and statistics (VI); Levies (VII); Fishery research and development (VIII); Fishery education, training and elucidations (IX); Empowerment of small fishermen and small fish breeders (X); Delegation of duty and assistance (XI); Monitoring of fishery affairs (XII); Court of fishery affairs (XIII); Investigation, prosecution and examination in the sessions of the court of fishery affairs (XIV); Criminal provisions (XV); Transitory provisions (XVI); Closing provisions (XVII). Chapters II and III are missing from the text.
The Law stipulates provisions on utilization of fish resources, either for fish catching or fish breeding, in the Indonesian EEZ and the open seas according to the international conditions, to ensure their preservation and the protection of the environment. The Ministry shall determine provisions for the regulation of: fishing gear, allowable catch, fish breeding, prevention of pollution, protected fish, etc. (art. 7). All individuals and companies carrying out fishing business shall be licensed, except for small fishermen and small fish breeders. The Government shall establish a court of fishery affairs authorized to examine, hear and rule criminal cases in fishery affairs.

Descriptors (Fisheries): basic legislation; fishery management and conservation; marine fisheries; marine fishes; mariculture; EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone; fishing area; fish disease; fishing gear/fishing method; hygiene/sanitary procedures; fishing licence; fishing vessel; research; data collection/reporting; size; total allowable catch; court/tribunal; authorization/permit; tax/levy