Sabtu, 26 September 2009

The Terrorist Finally Permitted to be Buried in Kudus

KUDUS, - The Mijen village administration, Kaliwungu, Kudus, Central Java, eventually allowed the burial of slain terror suspect Bagus Budi Pranoto in the village but on certain conditions.
"Bagus’s body is allowed to be buried in the village on condition that his family meet our demands," the head of the village, Sujatno, said after mediating a meeting between Bagus’ family and those opposing Bagus’ burial in the village.
Bagus alias Urwah who was killed in Solo along with Malaysian terror mastermind Noordin M Top in a recent police raid hailed from Mijen.
The meeting was attended by Kaliwungu sub-district police chief Tugiyanto, Kaliwungu sub-district military chief Harjono, Kaliwungu sub-district head Eko Dwi Djatmiko and several community figures.
The demand includes the family’s guarantee for security during  burial. In addition, the family must also prohibit the arrival of people from Solo to Mijen and the raising of banners glorifying jihad.
"We wish the burial is done in low profile. If the family could not meet these demands, please bury him elsewhere," Sujatno said.
The chairman of the village administration council, Sukis Jiwantoro, had earlier insisted his opposition to Bagus’ burial in the village. The chairman of the Karangtaruna village youth organization, Mbarsidi, also said that Karangtaruna would remain consistently reject Bagus’ burial in the village.
Karangtaruna’s deputy head, Taufiq, however once denied the Karangtaruna’s stance, saying that he had never been involved in deciding it. "I considered it the individual decision of the Karangtaruna chief," he said. After the meeting all parties however finally agreed to allow Bagus’ burial in the village on those conditions.
Bagus’ family representative, Hasyim, had appealed to those opposing Bagus’ burial in the village to allow the burial there. "The family offers an apology for all that Bagus had done," he said.


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