Marine and coastal resources have been playing a major role in the development and socio-economic life of millions of people in Indonesia. However, many findings show that the degradation has been prevailing in all areas. Marine protected areas (MPA) has proved as an essential tool to maintain marine and coastal resources.
Establishment of Indonesian marine protected areas can be dated back from early 80’s and became more prominent after enactment of Law 5, 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Its Ecosystem. Ministry of Forestry has been a lead agency in the process and has established approximately 5.5 million ha of marine protected areas.
Conservation and social economic interest are considered proportionally. Under these new laws, sustainable fisheries zone are introduced within MPA zones to accommodate local people’s social and economic life. This new arrangement will not only provide more opportunity for local community but also strengthen local participation and conservation sustainability. Law 27, 2007 in specific will ensure integrated approach in coastal resources management.
Both laws also lay a strong legal foundation to share conservation authority between national and local government. And until 2009, almost 4.6 million ha of local/district marine protected areas have been established in 35 districts with facilitation from MMAF, which stretch from Sumatra to Papua. In addition, MMAF has established national marine protected area at Sawu Sea with ± 3.5 million ha, categorized as Marine National Park.
In combination, since 1980’s to 2009 Indonesian government has established more than 13.5 million ha of marine protected areas. This achievement will contribute not only for sustainability of marine and coastal resources in Indonesia but also the protection of biodiversity in the world.
To maintain and improve collaboration between national agencies, MMAF and Ministry of Forestry have agreed to harmonize their responsibility in marine conservation. This harmonization will accelerate and strengthen cooperation in management of MPA in Indonesia. Eight MPA’s have been handed over from Ministry of Forestry to MMAF at 2008 and more close collaboration in capacity building will be carried out.
please find enclosed document for download factsheet data.
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